Cybersecurity risk assessment platform
Global leader of Privileged Access Management.
The industry's only SaaS solution for enterprise DLP.
Cyber security leader protecting application and API.
It has the largest market share of web firewall in Korea. Provides Secure Web Gateway(SWG) and SSL Visibility Solution.
Security solutions of Enterprise/Datacenter/Cloud environment/Network and Endpoint.
Application forgery prevention and API anomaly detection and management, enterprise mobile endpoint and mobile application security
Threat monitoring and detection of managed and unmanaged IoT assets
Skyhigh Security focused on cloud security
DONGHOON Itech provides solution to reduce security inspection costs and deploy a regular security inspection system.
The cloud allows easy access to workloads anytime, anywhere, and for this reason, a security and workload access control solution for the workload itself is essential. The security of the workload itself requires not only the antivirus function, but also the functions that were responsible for on-premise board security such as IDS/IPS and Firewall. In addition, it must have the ability to protect the application itself, the integrity of the log, and the real-time threat update function using threat intelligence that can defend against zero-day attacks.
In addition, when using various SaaS services, SSO (Single Sign-On) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) must be provided, and configuration management must be performed through vulnerability check, status monitoring, and compliance check for each workload.
If you are considering adopting security in the cloud, you should consider the followings:
1. The workload should enable centralized security and access control for privileged credentials.
- Automatic rotation of privileged account credentials (passwords and SSH keys) eliminates unnecessary, time-consuming and error-prone tasks.
- This allows you to protect your credentials and confidentiality in a cloud environment.
2. Your workload should be capable of anti-malware and content filtering.
- It should protect Windows and Linux workloads from evolving malware threats and enable real-time updates on emerging threats from the cloud security center.
3. It should be capable of firewall and host-based intrusion detection and prevention.
- A two-way host-based firewall can be used to log and audit workload-level traffic for compliance reporting.
It prevents weak points such as Shellshock and protects workloads by analyzing network packets and blocking malicious or suspicious traffic. It ensures that timeline- based correlation information for suspicious behavior is provided.
4. Log auditing and integrity monitoring should be possible.
- Through host-based monitoring, it detects and warns of changes to files, ports, registry, etc. that are not approved or that violate the policy.
- Provides visibility into potential security events by analyzing and defining logs in various environments.
- Sends suspicious events to a SIEM system or central logging server for correlation, reporting and archiving. In addition, “alert classification and filtering”, “multi-threat protection”, and “interlinking with other solutions” should be considered.
5. Workloads should be available for automated security and compliance checks
- It is possible to check the security and compliance status of cloud infrastructure using compliance standards (PCI, GDPR, HIPAA, NIST, etc.) and cloud security best practice rules.
DONGHOON ITech handles the following solutions with Cloud Computing Security function.
1. Privileged Access Manager from CyberArk, a leader in managing privileged access in on-premises, hybrid and cloud environments
2. CyberArk's Workforce Identity that provides SSO and MFA for SaaS Service
3. TrendMicro's Cloud Workload Security (CWPP) solution, an all-in-one security solution for cloud workloads
4. Conformity, a cloud workload configuration management solution (CSPM), a security, compliance and governance solution for cloud infrastructure
5. Imperva's FlexProtect providing web application security and DDoS protection in the cloud
All of the above cloud security solutions have the advantage of being the world's No. 1 product in each field and having experience in security application of the most cloud-introduced customers. In addition, DONGHOON Itech has security solutions in all areas necessary for cloud security. Many customers are moving to the cloud but applying security to the cloud is just the beginning. Experience in unfamiliar areas is the most important factor, and DONGHOON Itech provides cloud security solutions in all areas that have the first and largest number of customers in the world.