Cybersecurity risk assessment platform
Global leader of Privileged Access Management.
The industry's only SaaS solution for enterprise DLP.
Cyber security leader protecting application and API.
It has the largest market share of web firewall in Korea. Provides Secure Web Gateway(SWG) and SSL Visibility Solution.
Security solutions of Enterprise/Datacenter/Cloud environment/Network and Endpoint.
Application forgery prevention and API anomaly detection and management, enterprise mobile endpoint and mobile application security
Threat monitoring and detection of managed and unmanaged IoT assets
Skyhigh Security focused on cloud security
DONGHOON Itech provides solution to reduce security inspection costs and deploy a regular security inspection system.
DONGHOON Itech always does its best to protect valuable information assets and advance customers' business by improving the system and network service environment. We will grow together as the best security partner in Korea to realize customer’s satisfaction.